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Questions about Bill 124? Visit our News section and Bill 124 FAQs in both the working members and retired members sections.

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FAQs for working members

We’ve got the answers to your commonly asked questions

Your Bill 124 questions

Watch this page for updates as they become available. If you’ve already started your pension, see FAQs for retired members. Updated November 4, 2024.

  • We’re aiming to complete the work for Bill 124 by the end of summer this year. This will take some time because the high volume of adjustments, on top of our regular service commitments, is unprecedented.

    Sign in to your account to check the status of your retroactive salary increase. Read our News story to learn what your status means.

    There are several steps and timelines to the Bill 124 payment process, which will impact when your accounts can be updated: 

    1. Ministry of Education provides funding to employers 
    2. Employers make payments to employees impacted by Bill 124 
    3. Employers report required information to us 
    4. We process retroactive salary increases and pension recalculations where applicable 

    Our contact centre won't have any further information to share with you about retroactive adjustments at this time, so there’s no need to call or email.

  • No. Whether you’re thinking about retiring this year, or recently submitted your application, we’ve got you covered!

    If you worked during the school years affected by Bill 124 and/or new collective agreements, we’ll receive your updated salary information from your employer. Once we receive and process the revised salary information, we’ll update your account. If those years are in your best-five years of salary, they’ll increase the pension you’re eligible to receive when you retire.

    To help you plan, read our News story for an example of how we calculate the increase and how you can estimate your increased salary.


  • Many teachers have long-term income protection (LTIP) agreements with their employers that may provide pensionable coverage during a period of long-term disability (LTD). We calculate the amount of pensionable LTIP salary and credit based on your pre-LTIP salary and credit, which is what you would’ve earned in the school year you started LTIP.  

    Started LTIP during Bill 124 period?

    If you started receiving LTIP benefits anytime in the 2019-2020, 2020-2021 or 2021-2022 school years, we’ll recalculate the pre-LTIP salary in the year you started LTIP.


    • Started LTIP in 2019-2020 school year
    • Pre-LTIP salary was $100,000
      • 2019-2020 increase → $100,000 x 0.75% = $100,750

    We’ll also be reviewing your pensionable salary outside of the LTIP period to see if there are any applicable retroactive increases from either Bill 124 or due to the new collective agreements. This may take some time as the high volume of adjustments, on top of our regular service commitments, is unprecedented.

    Started LTIP in 2022-2023 school year or later?

    Your pre-LTIP salary adjustment will only include an increase due to your new collective agreement. Your service prior to the 2022-2023 school year (i.e. before your started LTIP) will include any applicable retroactive salary increases for the Bill 124 period.

    What does this mean for me?

    Your pensionable salary will increase for the affected school years if you worked or received LTIP in those years. This will increase your pension benefit if it falls within your best-five years' average salary. For years that you were on LTIP, you won’t be required to top-up contributions as a result of the increase(s). For years worked, your employer remits contributions on your behalf.

    Not directly impacted by Bill 124 retroactive adjustments?

    Bill 124 only directly impacts publicly-funded school boards. You won’t receive the retroactive Bill 124 salary increase if you were employed at a designated private school or designated organization in the affected school years identified above.

    Any other pensionable retroactive payments will still be assessed once they’ve been reported. Given the unprecedented volume of the Bill 124 related adjustments, on top of our regular service commitments, these will take additional time to process. 

    Our contact centre won't have any further information to share with you about retroactive adjustments at this time, so there’s no need to call or email.

  • The administration of retroactive salary increases due to Bill 124 and new collective agreements for eligible members involves significant effort, representing more than five times the volume of change we typically process each year. We anticipate changes and challenges along the way while we review and process files for:

    • More than 160,000 working members with benefit service within the retroactive period
    • More than 22,000 pensions put into pay within the retroactive period

    We ask for your patience as we work through them all.

    Our contact centre won't have any further information to share with you about retroactive adjustments at this time, so there’s no need to call or email.

  • In June 2019, the Ontario government introduced Bill 124, Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act. This legislation capped salary increases for public sector workers to one per cent a year for three years.

    In November 2022, an Ontario court declared the legislation unconstitutional. The government appealed the court’s decision. On February 12, 2024, the Ontario Court of Appeal released a decision on the appeal.   

    The government has also been in settlement discussions and binding arbitration with various federations and unions to address salary implications of Bill 124. As plan administrators, we’re not part of the negotiation process.

    Our contact centre won't have any further information to share with you about retroactive adjustments at this time, so there’s no need to call or email.

  • Please read our News stories for updates and keep an eye on this page. We’ll update both pages when we have new information to share with you.

    Our contact centre won't have any further information to share with you about retroactive adjustments at this time, so there’s no need to call or email.

Your 2-step verification questions

  • 2-step verification provides an extra layer of security for your account. To verify your identity, you’ll receive a one-time security code by text message or call. The code helps ensure you’re the only person accessing your pension information.

    It’s fast and easy.

    Step 1: Sign in with your account number or email address and your password.  

    Step 2: Enter your phone number to receive a six-digit code by text message or call. The code will be valid for five minutes.

    Simply enter the code on the screen to continue to your account. Make sure your phone is nearby at this step.

  • Protecting your personal information is important to us. Like many organizations, Ontario Teachers' is using 2-step verification to add an extra layer of security to your account.

    Signing in with a second verification step helps ensure you’re the only person accessing your pension information, so you can have greater peace of mind.

  • No, you can’t sign in to your account without 2-step verification. You won’t have online access to your pension information or our convenient tools and resources.

    If you have questions about your pension benefits, you’ll still be able to reach us by phone or email.

  • You can use a landline to receive your six-digit security code by phone call. When you're asked how you want to receive your code, choose the "call" option.

  • It's easy to reset your password.

    Step 1: When you sign in and are prompted to enter your password, click ‘Forgot password?’.

    Step 2: Enter your email address or account number to receive instructions on creating a new password. If you don’t see the email, check your spam or junk folder.

    Step 3: In the email, click ‘Reset password’. It'll take you back to our website. 

    Step 4: Create a new password, then click ‘Reset password’.

    Choose a unique password with at least eight characters, including any three of the following: 

    • Uppercase letter
    • Lowercase letter
    • Number
    • Special character

    Keep your password confidential and don’t share it with anyone, including family members.

  • No, we require a unique email address for every account. This added layer of protection helps ensure your personal information is safe and enhances the security of our online services.

    Use your personal email since you likely won’t have access to your work email after you change jobs or retire. To update your email address, contact us.

Your strike questions

  • It depends on whether or not the strike or work stoppage is considered legal.

    In a legal strike or lockout, your time away from work is pensionable. Your employer will report a loss of salary, but not your absence. This means, you will continue to receive credit. 

    This loss of salary affects your future pension only if:

    • it occurs within your best five years of salary (these are typically your last five years before retirement), or
    • you’re applying for a lump sum benefit from the plan (i.e. terminating from the plan)

    What do you need to do?

    Nothing. Once you apply for your benefit, we’ll notify your affiliate. They may top up contributions on your behalf. If they don’t, we’ll contact you directly and give you the option to contribute for the loss of salary yourself. You’d pay your contributions and the employer matching contributions, plus interest.

    If the work stoppage is not a legal strike or lockout, your time away from work is not pensionable. Your employer will report a loss of salary and credit. There's no opportunity to buy back this credit.

  • No, you don’t have to wait to apply for your pension. If you’re retiring in June, you can apply for your pension as early as March 1. We’ll calculate your pension based on the information we have on file.

    Once an agreement is reached and your employer reports the revised contract information, we’ll recalculate your pension. If the new amount is different than the original amount, we’ll adjust your pension and credit you with the difference, retroactively and with interest, to ensure there’s no adverse effect.

    What do you need to do?

    Nothing. We'll work directly with your affiliate and your employer.

  • In a legal strike or lockout, your time away from work is pensionable. Your employer will report a loss of salary, but not your absence. This means you’ll continue to receive credit.

    What do you need to do?

    Nothing. If a strike day(s) occurs within your best five years of salary, we’ll notify your affiliate. They may top up contributions on your behalf. If they don’t, we’ll contact you directly, and give you the option to contribute for the loss of salary yourself. You’d pay your contributions and the employer matching contributions, plus interest. By doing so, your salary for the strike period remains whole, and there’s no adverse effect on your pension.

  • If you’re working on contract or on a long-term occasional (LTO) basis, a strike day counts as a work day. 

    • In a legal strike, your time away from work is pensionable. Your employer will report a loss of salary, but not your absence. This means, you will continue to receive credit. 

    • If it’s not a legal strike, your time away from work is not pensionable. Your employer will report a loss of salary and credit. There's no opportunity to buy back this credit.  

  • If you only work occasionally and aren't guaranteed to work on any particular day, strike days aren't considered a work day.

Your reduced workload questions

  • The plan sponsors, the Ontario government and Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF), have amended the plan to allow eligible members to purchase credit for reduced workload due to childcare or disability.

    The effective date is September 1, 2022 but the amendment applies to reduced workload periods that ended on or after September 1, 2017.

  • You may be eligible if your normal hours of work with your employer have been reduced because of childcare or disability. You must meet all the requirements in the applicable category.


    • Your employer has approved the reduced workload for reasons related to childcare responsibilities.
    • Your reduced workload period ends on or after September 1, 2017.
    • You’ve worked for the employer who approves your reduced hours for at least three months prior to the beginning of your period of reduced workload.

    Note: Your period of reduced work ends as soon as you change employers, change your position with the employer or make the reduction in hours permanent rather than temporary.


    • Your employer has approved the reduced workload for reasons related to disability and has arranged for accommodation due to the disability.
    • Your reduced workload period ends on or after September 1, 2017.
    • You provide us with the following with your application:
      • A report about your medical condition signed by a medical doctor or a nurse practitioner licensed in Ontario. The report will need to show that you're suffering from a physical or mental impairment that prevents you from performing the duties of the employment you were engaged in immediately before the disability.
      • A letter signed by your employer documenting the details of the accommodation plan and reduced hours.

    Note: Your period of reduced work ends as soon as you change employers.

  • No. If you work occasionally, you don’t have normal hours of work. Since there isn’t a pattern of regular service, we can’t identify a reduced workload period. Therefore, you’re not eligible to purchase service for reduced workload.

  • If you work part-time and maintained the same percentage of hours with your employer, you won’t be eligible. However, if you work part-time and reduced the hours previously worked with your employer due to childcare or disability, you may be eligible.

    For example, you’re a 75% part-time teacher and reduce your workload for childcare purposes to 50%. If you meet all the eligibility requirements for reduced workload due to childcare, you may be eligible to purchase the 25% difference to reach your 75% workload.

  • The amendment doesn’t apply to you if you’ve started to receive your pension. Retired members aren’t eligible to purchase service.

  • Your employer will first need to approve or deny your eligibility to take a reduced workload based on the criteria outlined above. We’ll review your completed application to verify your eligibility.

  • You can’t apply before the earlier of:

    • the end of the complete period of reduced workload (i.e. when you return to your unreduced hours), or
    • the end of the school year (i.e. August 31) in which a continuous period of reduced workload occurs.
  • Complete an application based on the type of reduced workload you’re applying for:

    We’ll automatically receive the e-signature enabled forms. If you or your doctor are unable to complete the e-signature version of the disability application:

    1. Print the application form and medical report
    2. Complete the application form and member information section of medical report
    3. Give medical report to your doctor to complete
    4. Upload the completed application and medical report using the uploader tool in your Document Centre
  • Yes. You may be eligible to buy back a past period of reduced workload due to childcare or disability if it ended on or after September 1, 2017.

  • You have five years from the end of the month in which your period of reduced workload ends or until the date of your first pension payment, whichever comes first.

    If your reduced workload ended on or after September 1, 2017 and before September 1, 2022, you’ll have some extra time to pay. For those periods, we must receive payment by the later of September 1, 2023 or the five-year deadline.

  • Just like other buybacks, you can pay with cash (online banking or cheque), RRSPs or a combination of both once your application has been approved. You can’t pay with a credit card or through payroll deduction.

  • No, you can pay for all or a portion of it (just like other buybacks). If you don’t buy back the entire period, you'll receive proportionate credit based on completed payments made within the deadline.

  • Buying back will increase your credited service. You’ll receive a full year of qualifying credit in the year of your reduced workload if you’ve worked more than 10 days.

    In most cases, the more credited service you accumulate, the higher your pension will be. Your earliest unreduced retirement date won’t change because of a reduced workload purchase.

  • If you’re thinking of applying to purchase a period of reduced workload due to childcare or disability, it’s important to note that you won’t be able to make payments once you’ve started to receive your pension.

  • We calculate the cost using your salary lost due to the reduced workload multiplied by the contribution rate in effect during the purchase period (same as buying back a leave).


    • Rachel is a full-time (100%) teacher earning an annual salary of $100,000.
    • She was on maternity leave for the 2019/2020 school year.
    • Her employer approved her return to employment on reduced workload (60%) for the 2020/2021 school year due to childcare responsibilities.
    • Rachel is eligible to purchase the balance of her full-time workload (40%) as reduced workload for the 2020/2021 school year.

    Her salary lost for the period of reduced workload is $40,000. 

    The principal cost will be $40,000 x 12% (current contribution rate) = $4,800.

  • Yes. Interest will be charged for the cost of your purchase from the first of the month following the end of the complete reduced workload period (same as buying back a leave).

Your buyback questions

  • If you tell us you intend to pay for your leave before the deadline, you won’t need approval from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

    We’ll calculate a pension adjustment (PA) for each calendar year of your leave. This will reduce your RRSP contribution room, whether you pay for all, some or none of your leave. If the amount of your PA is greater than your RRSP contribution room, your contribution room will go to zero the following calendar year.

  • Because the expected improvement to the future value of your pension is greater than the actual cost of your leave.

    If you’re like many full-time teachers with a salary of about $85,000 and your leave costs about $10,000, your PA will be about $15,000.

    When you’re working and contributing to the plan, the T4 you receive from your employer every year includes a PA.

    Once you tell us you plan to pay for your leave (or you make a payment), we’ll send you an additional PA for each calendar year of your leave. We’ll issue this as a T4A within 30 to 60 days.

    If you’ve already filed your taxes for the year of your leave, you’ll need to fill out the T1 Adjustment Request form and file it with the CRA.

  • If you missed the deadline and still want to pay for your leave:

    1. Call us at 1-800-668-0105 to tell us you’d like to pay.
    2. We’ll prepare what’s called a past service pension adjustment (PSPA) and submit it to the CRA for approval. The CRA will compare the amount of this PSPA to your available RRSP contribution room.

    If your RRSP contribution room is greater than the value of your PSPA, they’ll likely approve the PSPA. We’ll send you a letter to let you know.

    If your RRSP contribution room is less than the value of your PSPA, they likely won’t approve the PSPA and will send you a letter to let you know. You’ll need to call us so we can talk about your options (make sure to have your letter from the CRA with you when you call). We may need to refund payments you've made for your leave.

    If your PSPA is less than your RRSP contribution room:

    • You’ll have enough contribution room to pay for your leave.
    • The CRA will reduce your contribution room by the size of your PSPA and you can go ahead and pay.

    If your PSPA is greater than your RRSP contribution room:

    • You may have still some wiggle room. You can generally go over your RRSP contribution room by up to $8,000 before the CRA will deny your PSPA.
    • If the CRA doesn’t approve your PSPA and you want to pay for at least a portion of your leave, consult a professional financial advisor to discuss your options.
  • It depends on how you pay.

    Paying in cash (online or by cheque)

    When you pay with personal, non-registered funds – whether online or by cheque – you’re eligible for a tax deduction. This deduction can potentially reduce your taxable income.

    You’ll receive a tax receipt in February for payments you made in the previous calendar year. You can use the information on this receipt to apply the deduction when you file your taxes. Keep in mind, you can only apply it to the year in which you made your payments.

    Your ability to deduct the full cost of your leave will depend on your taxable income in the year you make your payments. If the cost is greater than your taxable income, for example, you won’t be able to deduct the full amount.

    If you pay in cash:

    • You’ll receive a tax receipt to claim a deduction when you file your taxes.
    • You can’t carry forward non-deducted amounts to the following tax year.
    • There may be a greater tax benefit by paying in cash once you’ve returned to work and your taxable income is possibly higher.
    • It’s a good idea to consult a professional financial advisor about the optimal timing of cash payments.

    Paying with RRSPs

    When you pay with RRSPs, you’re moving funds from one kind of tax-sheltered retirement plan to another. As a result, you aren’t eligible for the same tax deduction had you paid in cash.

    If you pay with RRSPs: 

    • There’s no tax deduction.
    • You don’t regain RRSP contribution room.
    • Your financial institution may charge you administration fees.
    • You can’t withdraw the funds from your pension later. Once you transfer RRSP funds, you won’t see them again until you retire.

Your contribution questions

  • Take a look at the chart below to see how the contribution rates affect teachers at different salary levels.

    Annual salaryAnnual contributions

    *Numbers calculated used the 2024 CPP limit of $68,500

    **Numbers calculated used the 2025 CPP limit of $71,300

  • The Ontario Teachers' Federation (OTF) and the Ontario government have agreed their matching contribution rates shouldn't exceed 15% of base earnings above the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) limit. The CPP limit, which changes every year, is $71,300 in 2025. If rates would have to climb higher than 15% to keep the pension plan healthy, other alternatives would be considered.

  • No, contribution rates don't affect how much you're allowed to contribute to your RRSP. The government formula used to calculate your RRSP contribution room is based on the deemed value of the benefit you earn in Ontario Teachers'. It isn't based on how much you contribute to the plan.

  • You can contact the OTF or your affiliate pension representative.

  • Under Ontario's Pension Benefits Act, you can't pay for more than half of the value of the pension earned for service after 1986. Any excess amount is refunded to you (or your estate) on termination of membership, death or retirement.

  • No, our mandate and certain laws limit us to managing the Ontario Teachers' pension fund and administering the plan on behalf of members. For our plan to comply with current tax legislation in Canada and the U.S., we don't directly invest or manage personal investments of our members or their families. Other plans have different mandates.

    We continuously evaluate opportunities to enhance services for our members. However, there are no current proposals to allow members to make personal investments or additional voluntary contributions to the plan. These activities would require structural changes to our legislated mandate and to our organization.

  • In a legal strike or lockout, you continue to receive credit, but the salary lost during the strike isn't automatically included with your credit.

    If you're applying for a benefit and your best-five years' salary is affected by a legal strike, your affiliate will usually make pension contributions for the missed days so that your lost salary is included with your credit. If the affiliate doesn't pay the contributions, you can pay the contributions plus interest.

    If a work stoppage isn't a legal strike or lockout (and isn't otherwise pensionable under the plan), you don't receive credit or salary for the period, and have no ability to buy it back.

  • Participating in another pension plan during a leave could affect your taxes (don’t worry, contributing to the Canada Pension Plan or an RRSP doesn’t count). Call us if you worked, or are planning to work, during your leave.

  • A contribution discrepancy occurs when there is difference between your service credit and the associated contributions reported by your employer(s). It's a result of our plan's integration with CPP. On earnings below a certain level, pension contributions are made to both CPP and Ontario Teachers'. While you're contributing to CPP, your Ontario Teachers' contribution rate is lower. Once your earnings exceed the CPP threshold for that year, you stop contributing to CPP, and your Ontario Teachers' contributions increase.

    A contribution discrepancy must be settled before we can pay any pension benefits. Your payment is tax deductible and you'll receive a tax receipt from us to file with your income tax return. In the event of a contribution overpayment, you'll receive a refund which you must declare as income and for which you'll receive a T4A to use in filing your tax return.

  • When you work at multiple employers, each employer calculates your contributions based on your earnings at that employer only. Your employer may correctly deduct contributions from your pay based on a specific rate, when your combined income requires a higher rate on the earnings that exceed the CPP threshold. When this happens, you contribute less than you should to Ontario Teachers'. Conversely, when contributions were deducted at a higher rate instead of the lower required rate, you contribute more to Ontario Teachers' than you should, resulting in a refund of your excess contributions.

    Your employer can't anticipate or avoid this contribution shortfall. Only we can determine the difference when we combine your employment information.

Your annual statement questions

  • We’re continuing to process retroactive adjustments as we receive payments and information from employers. If you worked during the school years affected by Bill 124 and/or new collective agreements, your statement may not reflect what you’ve accumulated toward your pension to the end of the 2023-2024 school year.

  • No, we won’t be generating new statements for the 2023-2024 school year. 

  • The two dates reflect two different scenarios:

    • The first date (in the blue box on page 1) reflects the earliest you can start receiving an unreduced pension if you keep working.
    • The second date (on page 2) reflects the earliest you can start receiving an unreduced pension if you stopped working after the current school year.
  • If you’re still eligible to transfer the commuted value (CV) of your pension, visit the Commuted value section of your account to see your estimated value.

    Make sure to review these five important things before finalizing your decision. Contact us to discuss your options if you’ve stopped working in education.

  • When thinking of your pension, it’s important to remember:

    • long-term performance counts for pension plans, and
    • your pension is part of a defined benefit plan.

    Unlike RRSPs or defined contribution plans, pensions paid under a defined benefit plan are based on a formula of service and salary, not on the fund’s value on the day a person retires.

    We have rigorous processes in place, shaped by robust governance and risk frameworks, and a team dedicated to serving the needs of our members. We’re confident our strong foundation and long-term investment strategy will see us through periods of uncertainty and change. 

  • Sign in to your Buyback Centre. Make sure to review the cost, tax implications and deadlines before making any payments.

  • The annual statement is a snapshot of your pension based on information up to the end of the most recently completed school year. For an up-to-date pension estimate, sign in and create custom scenarios using your pension calculator.

  • Sign in to your account. Go to your Profile and update your info in the Contact Information and Phone Numbers sections. Make sure to click Save to confirm your changes.

    Keeping your address, email and phone number up to date ensures you’ll always receive info and updates about your pension.

    Do we have your current personal email and phone number on file? You likely won’t have access to your work email or phone numbers after you retire.

Your tax questions

  • Sign in to your Document Centre in your online account to view your T4A(s) or tax receipt.

  • We’ll issue tax receipts for payments made in 2024 by the end of February 2025.

    Go to your Document Centre in your online account to view your tax receipt.

  • You received a T4A because you either told us you intend to pay for a leave or made payments toward a leave in 2024. In these circumstances, we're required to report a pension adjustment (PA) for the buyback on the T4A form. If the period of credit you’ve bought back falls in more than one calendar year, we’ll issue a T4A for each year affected.

  • Canada Revenue Agency uses PAs to calculate your RRSP contribution room. CRA’s website has information on how to report your PA and how this information is used by CRA.

    If the word “amended” appears at the top of your T4A, or if you’ve received a T4A for a year for which you’ve already filed a tax return, you must file a T1 Adjustment Request (T1-ADJ) with CRA for each year covered by the T4A.

    Check out CRA’s FAQs about reporting your PA or T1 adjustments.

    If you have questions about your tax situation, consider talking to a professional advisor or contact CRA.

  • You may be entitled to claim a deduction for your contributions to the registered pension plan. Please consult CRA’s website for more details.

    If you have questions about your tax situation, consider talking to a professional advisor or contact the CRA.

Your questions about retirement

  • No, your pension won't begin automatically. To receive your pension, you must apply for it online. If you apply after your resignation date, you may lose pension payments.

  • You can apply online up to four months before your pension start date. For example, if you're retiring in June, you can apply as early as March 1. Keep in mind, you should apply for your pension no later than the month following your last date of employment.

  • No, you can apply for your pension before you resign. Make sure you give your employer a resignation letter before your resignation date. If you're worried about us informing your employer about your resignation before you officially resign, don't be. Unless you're receiving long-term income protection (LTIP) benefits, or if you're currently on a leave, we won't contact your employer.

    To ensure you don't lose any pension payments, we encourage you to apply for your pension before you resign with your employer. If you apply after your resignation date, you may lose pension payments. And remember, the resignation date on your pension application must be the same date you include in your resignation letter.

  • For more information on your membership with the Ontario College of Teachers, visit the College's website

  • No. However, you can use RRSP funds to buy back credit for an eligible leave of absence. Acquiring more credit will increase the size of your pension. 

  • Gratuities are an employer benefit, not a pension benefit. Please contact your employer for information. 

  • Yes, provided you work more than 10 days during the year and start your pension at the end of the school year. However, if you begin to receive your pension before the end of the school year, you'll receive a partial qualifying year up to the date your pension starts. If you're considering retiring during the school year, sign in to your account to get a pension estimate.

  • If you're close to retirement and teaching on a part-time contract, supplementing your income with an occasional supply-teaching assignment may reduce your pension. In some instances, this can result in hundreds of dollars less in pension per year.

    The rate of pay for occasional teaching can be significantly less than the rate for part-time contract work. This can lower your annualized pensionable salary because both rates are used when determining your annual rate for that school year. Although the extra days increase your credit, if you're nearing retirement this can reduce your average best-five years' salary and result in a smaller pension.

    If you're close to retirement, our advice is to be cautious. Contact us before accepting an occasional teaching job to see how it could affect your pension.

  • If you plan on working, your arrangement to return to work in education has to be made after your pension starts.

    A resignation is considered valid only if:

    • Your employer confirms acceptance of your resignation without condition,
    • No arrangement has been made to return to work in education, and
    • You have either received or arrangements have been made to pay any applicable gratuity.
  • For some, it's better to retire in June than to wait and retire at their 85 factor a few months later. By doing this, you'll take a reduction to your pension. However, you'll gain extra months of pension income in July, August and September.

    Use the pension calculator to help you chart the right path to retirement.

  • You don't have to wait until August to retire. If you choose to retire in June, you'll continue to receive your salary throughout those last two months – it will have no effect on your pension. But remember, you must submit your resignation letter before June 30, and ensure your June 30 resignation date is also stated in your letter.

  • If you have no eligible spouse when you receive your first pension payment, you're automatically entitled to a 10-year pension guarantee at no cost. This means if you die before you've received 10 years' worth of pension payments, we'll pay the balance of the 10 years as a survivor pension to any dependent children or as a lump sum to your estate.

    If you die before retirement with no eligible recipients, your contributions plus interest before 1987 are paid to your estate together with a lump-sum payment representing the commuted value of the pension you accumulated from 1987 until your death.

  • Yes. Reductions for survivor pensions greater than 50% are permanent, even if your spouse predeceases you.

  • Not automatically. If a former spouse remains eligible, you can't designate a new spouse for a survivor pension. If you don't have an eligible former spouse, you can apply for a new survivor pension and your pension will be reduced to pay for it.

  • No. We're legally obligated to pay survivors directly. If the dependent child is 18 or older, the survivor pension will flow directly to him or her. If the child is a minor, we deposit payments with the Accountant of the Ontario Court (General Division) until the child reaches the age of 18, unless someone has become the child's legal guardian.

  • The 10-year pension guarantee and survivor pension are different post-retirement death benefits and should be considered separately.

    The 10-year pension guarantee only provides a benefit in the event of your death prior to receiving 10 years' worth of pension payments and then only for the remainder of the term. The survivor's pension is payable for the life of your spouse and for as long as your children remain dependents. The survivor pension represents a percentage of your pension.

  • We provide a bridge benefit, which is intended to supplement your retirement income until age 65 when you're eligible for an unreduced CPP pension. The month after you turn 65, or immediately if you start a CPP disability pension, the bridge benefit ends and your pension is adjusted. 

  • Your pension will still be adjusted the month after you turn age 65, even if you take your CPP early. There are some conditions for taking CPP early, so be sure to review the CPP website for more information.

    Your Ontario Teachers' pension adjustment takes effect before age 65 only if you die or begin to collect a CPP disability pension.

    For more information about your CPP pension, we recommend you go directly to the source. Visit the CPP website or call 1-800-277-9914.

  • Your Ontario Teachers' pension will be adjusted when you start a CPP disability pension. If you go on a disability pension, make sure to contact us and let us know immediately so we can make the necessary adjustments to your pension.

Your questions about designating a beneficiary

  • Your heirs could save time and money. Funds are paid directly to the beneficiary, without the delays or probate fees associated with the processing of an estate. Estate taxes are also avoided, although your heirs will pay tax on your death benefit.

  • You can designate or change your beneficiary through your account.

    If you choose to name multiple beneficiaries, any pre-retirement death benefit payable, for service that accrued after 1986, will be divided equally among your beneficiaries.

    In the absence of a designated beneficiary, any death benefit payable, after survivors have been taken into account, will go to your estate.

  • You can name a minor as your designated beneficiary. A child aged 18 or older receives survivor benefits directly, while payments for a minor child are provided to the court-appointed guardian of the child's property. If there's no guardian, benefits are paid into court until the child reaches age 18.

  • If you don't have an eligible spouse, dependent children or a designated beneficiary when you die, any benefits will be payable to your estate.

  • If you don't have an eligible spouse at the time of your death, a designated beneficiary receives a lump-sum payment equal to the commuted value of the pension you accumulated after 1986, minus the value of any child's pension that may be payable. Any death benefits payable for service before 1987 are paid to your estate, not your beneficiary.

  • A designated beneficiary exists only for pre-retirement death benefits. Post-retirement benefits are paid to your eligible spouse or, if you don't have one, to your dependent children and/or estate.

Your security and personal information questions

  • Inactive online accounts can be more vulnerable to cybercrime. When you don’t sign in for an extended period, your outdated password could put your account at risk, especially if you re-use passwords across various websites.

    Take these simple steps to help keep your information safe:

    • don’t use your Ontario Teachers’ account password for any of your other online accounts, including banking, email or social media
    • change your password on a regular basis
    • keep your account number and password confidential. Don’t share them with anyone, including family members
    • choose a unique password, at least eight characters long, with at least one uppercase letter, number and special character
    • always use your account to update personal information, like telephone numbers, email and mailing addresses
    • be aware of potential scammers who may use fake emails, pop-up ads, text messages or phone calls to try and trick you into divulging personal information
    • change your password immediately if you suspect it’s been compromised
  • Help protect yourself from cyber criminals and other scammers by changing your password every three months. Don’t use the same password for multiple accounts – each password should be unique. Reusing passwords means that if a bad actor gains access to one of your accounts, they may be able to gain access to your other accounts as well, resulting in identity theft, financial loss, and other serious consequences. Don’t use any part of your birthday, social insurance number or other private information as part of your password.

    Take these steps to update your password for your Ontario Teachers’ account:

    1. Sign in and enter your email address or account number, then select ‘Forgot password?’.
    2. Enter your email address to receive instructions on creating a new password. If you don’t see the email, check your spam or junk folder.
    3. In the email, select ‘Reset password’. It'll take you back to our website.
    4. Create a new password, then select ‘Reset password’.

    Keep your password confidential and don’t share it with anyone, including family members. 

  • Sign in to your account. Go to your Profile and update your info in the Contact Information and Phone Numbers sections. Make sure to click Save to confirm your changes.

    Keeping your address, email and phone number up to date ensures you’ll always receive info and updates about your pension. 

    Do we have your current personal email and phone number on file? If not, update them today since you likely won’t have access to your work email or phone numbers after you retire.

  • To retrieve your account number, you must use the email address associated with your account.

    To reset your password, you’ll need to sign in with your account number or email address associated with your account. When you're prompted to enter your password, click ‘Forgot password?’. You'll receive an email with instructions on creating a new password.

  • Yes. Uploading your documents directly to your account is an easy and secure way to ensure we have the documentation we need to pay your pension.

    We know the documents you share with us contain personal information. We have robust privacy and security policies in place to help keep your information safe. For more information review our Member Privacy Notice.

  • To help protect yourself from scams, keep in mind:

    Phone calls and voicemail

    We may sometimes call you, but we’ll never ask for your password or two-step verification code. We’ll never make threats; beware of suggestions of false urgency or calls for immediate action.  If you receive a suspicious call from someone claiming to be us, disconnect and contact us immediately.

    Email and text messages

    Delete messages from unknown numbers and email addresses. Be wary of suspicious links, altered logos and spelling errors. Pay attention to the sender’s email address, for example, the body of the email may have an Ontario Teachers’ logo, but the email address might be fake or inconsistent. Before clicking on a link, verify that the email is from a legitimate source, for example, ensure the sender has an email address.

    Social media

    Social media can present real security threats when you share information about yourself or your family. For your safety, don’t share email and mailing addresses, phone numbers, birthdates, or special milestone with specific dates on Ontario Teachers’ social media pages, in comments or by direct message. We’ll never contact you about your Ontario Teachers’ account through social media channels.

    For a more fulsome list of types of scams, visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre’s scams index.

  • If you believe your Ontario Teachers’ account has been compromised in any way, contact us immediately.