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Forming a new Constellation

We’ve partnered with Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) and industry veteran Anurag Chandra to launch a new insurance platform called Constellation Insurance Holdings.

What’s the connection between insurance and your pension?

We expect this new formation to add value to your pension. Not only is the insurance industry resistant to economic cycles, it has a history of providing steady growth and returns over the long term.

We’ve also chosen a strong partner in CDPQ. We’ve worked with them in the past, and collectively, we have a successful track record of investing in the insurance industry.

Constellation Insurance Holdings at a glance:

  • Our initial investment, in partnership with CDPQ, is valued at US$500 million
  • Constellation will invest in growing insurance companies across North America and will include sellers of life insurance and property and casualty insurers

Read our press release