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Re-employment scenarios

If you return to work after your pension begins, your pension may be affected. Here’s what you need to know about what you should or shouldn't do.

Re-employment explained 

Considering re-employment? Watch our video and learn more about re-employment.

Scenario 1: You don’t exceed the re-employment limit or don’t work beyond the end of the month in which you exceed the limit

What you need to do:

  • Notify your employer that you’re a pensioner when you accept a job
  • Track the number of days you work

What happens to your pension:

  • You’ll continue to receive your pension without interruption

Scenario 2: You continue to work after the month in which you exceed the limit

What you need to do:

  • Contact us as soon as you plan or start to work after the month in which you exceed the limit
  • If you have additional deductions taken from your pension (i.e., spousal payments or insurance premiums), consider how you'll make alternate payment arrangements

What happens to your pension:

  • Your pension will be suspended for each month you continue to work
  • Your pension will resume on the earlier of:
    • The month in which you have no re-employment service, or
    • September 1 following the school year in which your pension was suspended
  • You can't return to work again during the month in which your pension is reinstated (with the exception of September)

Scenario 3: You’re re-employed for the first time after Dec. 31, 2008 and want to recalculate your pension

What you need to do:

  • Contact us to suspend your pension before you first begin any re-employment work
  • Let your employer know immediately that you'll be contributing for your entire period of re-employment
  • Stop your pension until you’ve accrued at least one year of credited service
  • During your last month of re-employment, contact us to apply to begin your pension again

What happens to your pension:

  • Your pension will be terminated and contributions will be deducted during your entire period of re-employment.
  • When you retire again, your pension will be recalculated to include the additional credit you accumulated while re-employed and based on pension rules in effect when you apply for your pension again.
  • If you end up working for less than a year, your pension won't be recalculated and we'll refund the contributions you made, with interest, after we reconcile pension records with your employer. Your pension will resume without change the month after your last day of re-employment.