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Bill 124 and new collective agreements: Status updates now available in your account

Looking for other Bill 124 and new collective agreement stories? 

> Understand the retroactive salary adjustment process
> Learn how to estimate your increased salary

Wondering what the status of your retroactive salary adjustments are? Simply sign in to your account to find out.

What your status means

You’ll see one of three statuses:

  1. Not started – we haven’t received required information.
  2. In progress – we’re working on it. You may notice some salary inconsistencies while your revised information is being processed.
  3. Completed – we’ve applied your retroactive salary adjustments.
    • Still working? – your salary information will be updated as each applicable retroactive salary adjustment is completed. Once the information has been updated, your default pension calculation will reflect your revised average salary and annual rate of pay.
    • Already retired? – your salary information has been updated and we’ll be adjusting your pension, with interest. For many of you, it may take up to three weeks to receive your retroactive payment. While we'll do our best to pay you during this timeframe, some of you may have to wait a little longer once we've completed your adjustments. Check out your Pension Payments page to see the amount of your pension increase.

Not registered?

Signing in to your account is the only way to track the status of your retroactive adjustments anytime, anywhere. If you haven’t registered for an online account, register today.

Aside from the status updates you see online, our contact centre won't have any further information regarding retroactive salary adjustments to share with you at this time, so there’s no need to call or email.